Sojourn to Transformation
Claiming an Inheritance
I was really blessed by this testimony of healing over at Joyful in Hope's blog

She shares of a miraculous healing of infertility, and this part got me thinking of a fertility battle of my own that I face. She says:
"There is an attack on our generation's ability to conceive and carry, for whatever reason. God's been revealing to me his promise to bring children, to bring blessing and honor through them, and to give us perfect health. We need to stand (together) and believe and battle for this! Our God is good and I believe, as I said before, that His amazing miracle in my body is a deposit on the bringing forth of a life that has been said to be impossible. He calls things into existence and He who promises is faithful!"

So, here is my story. I am a carrier for a genetic spine disease. Many men in my family have it including my dad. It is a devestating disease where the discs between the vertebrae deteriorate, the spine curves, the hip joint degegenerates. My dad is 50 this year. He is still walks on his own, and does pretty well. He has to rest after long days of walking, but generally recuperates his strength overnight.

The gene seems to mutate with each generation with the symptoms becoming more severe. One of my cousins has the disease, and his health is as bad as my dads or worse, and he is only 23. Same generation as me.

Here is where it gets complicated. The disease is passed through the X chromosone. Basically, women only carry the disease, and manifest very few symptoms other than neck and shoulder pain. Men who have the disease can only pass it to their female children. In order for me to be a female, I have to have my dad's X chromosone, and my mom's X chromosone. Since my dad only has one diseased X chromosone-that is the one I got. For my brother's to be male, they got mom's X, and dad's Y.

Women always give supply the X chromosone to their children, and the male determines the sex by giving either a X or Y. So, all of my children have a 50/50 chance of getting a diseased chromosone. If the child is a female, and gets the bad X it is not a significant problem other than the fact that her children have a 50/50 chance, too. If we have a boy with the disease, he will face significant pain and disability throughout his life, and 100% of the time pass this disease to his female children.

Here is the twist for me. From the limited research we have done, there may be a couple ways to keep our children from having this disease.

Option #1--All of my eggs have one X gene...either good or diseased. There is probably a way to extract my eggs, and test them for which chromosone they contain, and fertizile and implant only good X gene eggs. In this way we would completley erradicate the disease for our decendants.
Option #2--If option #1 were not really viable(and we don't know, yet), we could make sure that we have female children. They would have a 50/50 chance of being a carrier, but would not have crippling symptoms of the disease. Essentially, they would be like me.
Option #3--Have no biological children, and adopt. We definitley plan on adopting in the future, even if we do have biological kids. We might adopt babies from other countries, or maybe families that have had parental rights terminated. Maybe even teenagers who are close to losing hope of ever having a family. So, for us, this is a very real option, and one we are extremely open, too.

My parents didn't really have these kind of options, and they had very little information about my dad's disease. It wasn't until 8 years ago that a university in St. Louis did an entire study on my family, and got to the bottom of things. But, for me. I have choices. I have opportunities. I have the ability to break a generational curse. 50/50 chance of having a diseased son...these is not good odds. Thats kind of like a crap shoot. To me, I just don't see a reason to take that risk. I don't want to play God, for sure, but I feel like He has given me a strong leading to do everything in my power to not pass this disease on.

This scenario plays in my mind...we just risk it and get pregnant. The first thing we want to know is the sex of our baby. They tell us its a boy, and we wait in anguish until he is born to see if he is diseased. He is born with the disease, and I feel like immediatley, I would feel devestated that I wasn't more responsible. It would be selfish of me to ask a child to be born with this disease. This being said, I believe that God controls our spirits. If he has a plan for me to have a child, he can send that same spirit to a diseased embryo or a healthy one. Different body, same person. I don't feel like by not risking it, that I am preventing a certain child from being born. I don't believe that I have control of that.

I hope this isn't offensive to anyone. These are just my thoughts about a difficult situation, and something we have been talking about for the past month or so. The bottom line for me is that we must be wise, responsible, and a good steward, and look to God to lead us. I believe that He has a will in what we do regarding this issue.

So, we will probably see a geneticist sometime this summer to know more concretley what our options are. Until then, we wait and pray.
posted by Mandy @ 7:39 PM  
  • At 11:28 PM, Blogger Mark D said…

    Not offensive at all (I guess I can only speak for myself). I will be praying that God gives you wisdom.

  • At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Thats intense, quite a valley the Lord want to lead you through... keep your eyes on Jesus!


  • At 6:18 PM, Blogger Bek said…

    wow, what decisions to have to make. i think that looking to the Holy Spirit to lead you in wisdom as you go is wonderful, right on. and if i were you, i would begin praying for supernatural intervention. Jesus Himself wants to heal YOU (every symptom!) and yes, I would agree, He wants that generational curse broken. Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever, and when He walked the earth, He healed everyone who asked.

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Ps 27:4 One thing I have desired from the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to pray in His temple.(MKJV)
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Name: Mandy
Home: United States
About Me: I'm Mandy. Wife, mother, worship leader, photographer and lover of Jesus. I'm here to showcase my work as a beginning photographer and to build a portfolio. I enjoy photographing children and families. It is a wonderful experience to capture the essence and beauty of a person in an image.
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