Sojourn to Transformation
A Contest over at Regeneration
Got to pass this on to you guys. Stephen is having an interesting contest over at his blog Regeneration.

Check it out! Win a Sega Game Gear!

Why I Vehemently Dislike Internet Explorer' Comment Contest!
Filed under: Fun, Computers, Contests, Video Games - Stephen @ 7:21 pm

I'm having a contest.

The winner will receive a free slightly-used Sega Game Gear with two good games of my choosing, postage-paid.

(Why a Game Gear? I own three of them now, thanks to some auctions on eBay that I really didn't think I was going to win, and that backfired on me. My silliness is your [or your kid's] gain.)

All you have to to is tell me, in fifteen words or less, why you vehemently dislike Microsoft's Internet Explorer. ('Hate' is too strong of a word for me.)

Funniest answer wins.

The contest ends March 15th, 2006 at 12:00PM EST. (That's an arbitrary date for may change if the Game Gears arrive late or, Heaven forbid, damaged.)

Fine print:

* Beta versions of IE 7.0 don't count (as I haven't had a chance to develop a distaste for that version yet).
* Winner will be notified by email and must provide a valid United States postal address upon request. (...which means if you send anonymous comments or give me fake postal addresses, no Gear for you.)
* Open only to residents of the continental United States. (..though if you're from another country and have a funny comment, you will receive an honorable mention!)
* Yes, I know it's kind of chintzy to give away things that aren't shiny and new and shrink-wrapped. Please don't look this 'gift horse' in the mouth--I have coffee-breath right now.
* No lewd, racist, antisemitic, or otherwise off-color comments. If you can't tell it to your mother-in-law's red-headed stepchild, you probably shouldn't post it. (I screen all of my comments carefully.)
* My wife and I will decide whose entry is the funniest--whoever makes us laugh most gets the prize. (That's about as scientific as these things get, folks. :) )

All right, folks--get to thinking! You have a little less than a month!
posted by Mandy @ 10:44 PM  
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Ps 27:4 One thing I have desired from the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to pray in His temple.(MKJV)
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Name: Mandy
Home: United States
About Me: I'm Mandy. Wife, mother, worship leader, photographer and lover of Jesus. I'm here to showcase my work as a beginning photographer and to build a portfolio. I enjoy photographing children and families. It is a wonderful experience to capture the essence and beauty of a person in an image.
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